D’Artacan y los Tres Mosqueperros: 1x21

El misterioso barco fantasma

Dogtanian and Pip venture into the jungle in search of food. They find a baby elephant stuck in mud and rescue him from a crocodile, and are pursued by a tribe of native black panthers led by a lion. The Mediterranean was a dangerous place in those days. The pair go back to the beach in the hope of being picked up by a ship and discover a tunnel leading to a bay in which the Blue Falcon’s ship is moored. They stow away and attempt to capture the pirate crew. Luckily for them the Three Muskehounds show up on another ship and defeat the pirates. Pip’s marbles are revealed as precious stones, and Widimer and Rochefort are found tied up among the pirate crew. Mission accomplished, the friends head for home

D’Artacan y los Tres Mosqueperros: 1×21
Feb. 28, 1982

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